This is a travel router. What is it used for? For one, it can create a wifi (and wired) network on the go, which is useful for troubleshooting among other things. Another useful feature is that I could plug a usb drive into it and then access those files over the network. As nerd of many interests, this would be an extremely useful tool for me.
While I am not the biggest "gamer", there is one particular game I've been eyeing up recently. It is called Cities: Skylines 2, and it is effectively a city planning game. If you know anything about me (cough cough my fascination with trains) you could see why I am interested in this game. The "2" denotes the fact that this is the second edition of the game and it is detailed to point that each simulated person has a full set of teeth. I used to draw up utopia cities in a sketchbook a long time ago, and thi
Since getting my Amateur Radio Technician's license in September, I've gotten pretty deep into the hobby. There are certain digital messaging techniques - specifically DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) and APRS (Automatic Position Reporting System) that I have been looking to try out. They enable some interesting things that would allow me to make contacts even further away and test out new stuff. Anytone radios are a sort of value brand digital radio but they still provide great customizability.